Join HSMAI and Cornell for a meeting on strength-based approaches in entrepreneurial and innovative environments

Sign up and join HSMAI and Cornell for a meeting on strength-based approaches in entrepreneurial and innovative environments. HSMAI and Cornell Hotel Society Chapter Norway are inviting its members to a Seminar with Professor Mona Olsen, Ph.D., from The School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University to discuss how approaches based on strength can set you up for success in entrepreneurial and innovative environments.

The seminar is a special tribute to the Young Hotelier Awards of the year and the Hotelier Awards, celebrating General Management Program at Cornel Hotel School and all of HSMAI supporters in order to make the awards happen.

The event will take place at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in Oslo

Wednesday 18 January 2017 at 4 PM

The Seminar will last for two hours, followed by networking, wine and snacks at the Summit Bar on 21st floor. It’s free to attend. Sign up here:

Eventbrite - Join HSMAI and Cornell for a meeting on strength-based approaches in entrepreneurial and innovative environments

Yes, entrepreneurship is for everyone; we each embody the ten talents necessary to innovate, create, and contribute to the entrepreneurial landscape. You are invited to learn about your top talents; the ones that combine to set you apart from anyone else and position you to uniquely contribute to the world of entrepreneurship.

We invite you to explore Gallup’s Entrepreneurial Profile 10 Assessment, a tool used at the Leland C. and Mary M. Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship at the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University to support student engagement in entrepreneurship, and join other hospitality leaders for an interactive session that will encourage you to reflect on your individual talents and network with others to create an ideal team that is mindful of the talents of others.

At The Cornell School of Hotel Administration Mona is Academic Director of – and teaching at – The Pillsbury Institute for Hospitality Entrepreneurship. The Institute supports The Scool’s academic entrepreneurial curriculum with the activities focusing on education, experiential learning and engagement. The educational offerings link the the academic and the practical aspects of entrepreneurship education with courses designed to provide an analytical framework for students pursuing an entrepreneurial career. The courses address the growing necessity for large hospitality companies to become more entrepreneurial in order to compete successfully in the face of increased globalization and market and technological changes.

The Technology for Bootstrapped Entrepreneurship, that Mona teaches, provides tools to enhance service delivery. The students model their business ideas in the cloud for collaborative feedback. This model becomes the basis for creating and presenting a strategic technology plan. The course helps students understand how the position they take on issues like security and data privacy can affect them in their businesses.

Preparing the students for the real business world Mona redesigned the content of the Conversations with Entrepreneurs course where students build their own entrepreneurial narrative in a book format to be showcased. Students also complete assignments inspired by weekly guest speakers who show them the value of entrepreneurial thinking to their professional development.

We hope you find the time to meet us on Wednesday 18 January 2017 at Radisson Blu Scandinavia Hotel in Oslo.

Eventbrite - Join HSMAI and Cornell for a meeting on strength-based approaches in entrepreneurial and innovative environments

The Cornell Hotel Society HSMAI Norge Logo

Photo: Professor Mona Olsen, Ph.D., The School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University.